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D3300 – Unleashed Dx000 not compatible

Nikon announced the D3300 a few days ago – a great entry level DSLR, I’m sure! As usual, I won’t bore you with the specs and features – you can read these on or

Being at the CES 2014, I was able to have a look at the camera, and to test the Unleashed Dx000 on the D3300. Unlike the D5300 – the D3300 does NOT have GPS built-in. It’s still compatible with the Nikon GP-1 and other third party GPS devices. Unfortunately, the Unleashed Dx000 will not physically fit the D3300, because the socket is recessed a little too deeply for the Unleashed Dx000 to plug in completely.

D3300 recessed port D3300 with Dx000 - doesn't quite fit

We’re working on a solution, and will let you know when it’s ready.

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CES 2014

Happy new Year!

As every year, we’ll start the year at CES and PMA@CES in a couple of days.


From January 7 to 10 the 2014 International CES will be open, and we’re looking forward to seeing some of you at our booth: LVH – 41010 – again as part of the German Pavilion! Click here for floor plan.

foolography at CES in the LVH Exhibits
foolography at CES in the LVH Exhibits

Come see us and our products. We look forward to seeing you!

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CES 2013

The new year is dawning, and with it comes CES and PMA@CES.


From January 8 to 11 the 2013 International CES will bring you the very newest in Consumer Electronics and along with 3000 other exhibitors, we will be there! We would love to welcome you at our booth: LVH – 46035 (part of the German Pavilion)! Click here for floor plan.

foolography at CES in the LVH Exhibits
foolography at CES in the LVH Exhibits

This year, we’re bringing a new Unleashed Barcode Edition – finally one that will be available in the US and Canada as well! The current Unleashed Barcode Edition will also be extended by several new features, including a world first: direct wireless RFID scanning for Nikon DSLRs!

Stay tuned for details, or come see it in action at our booth at CES. We look forward to seeing you!

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Nikon D600 – Unleashed Dx000 is compatible

We’re back from photokina2012 – a great show and a great success! As promised I headed over to the Nikon Booth, and tested our Unleashed Dx000 on the D600.

At first, my heart sunk: No GPS icon on the top LCD. Luckily, when I took photos, the GPS data was embedded in the EXIF data! I figured that Nikon might have simply not included a GPS icon at all on the top LCD. Looking through the manual (page 175 7) it is evident that this is not the case. – there definitely should be a GPS icon. Maybe I simply overlooked it, or the Model on display malfunctioned in some way. Sorry for this false information. Page 175 shows the INFO display, not the top LCD. Top LCD or “Control Panel” is shown on page 7, and definitely does NOT have a GPS icon.

D600 with UnleashedDx000

The Unleashed will fit nicely on the D600, the only problem being that the rubberflap is in the way. While it is possible to use the Unleashed like that, the pressure from the flap will, over time, cause the Plug on the Unleashed to break off the PCB inside, which eventually result in malfunction. There are two nice solutions for this:

  • Cut a rectangle out of the flap, just over the port – so the flap remains closed while the Unleashed is plugged in.
  • Remove the flap entirely: A customer figured out a great, almost entirely reversible method for this:
    D7000 Flap cut
    [image from georgle’s blog]

    by cutting the rubber hinges that wrap around the metal pin right next to the flap, it is possible to remove the flap entirely. By threading the hinges back under the metal pin, the flap can be replaced and will retain its full functionality.


I misread the manual: Page 175 shows the INFO screen, not the TOP LCD. On page 7 one can see that the top LCD really does not have a GPS icon – in other words, the D600 is fully compatible with the Unleashed Dx000, no “odd behaviour”, no doubt about it.

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Nikon D600 announced

Today, Nikon announced another full-frame DSLR, the D600. Read the reviews on dpreview, engadget or elsewhere.

Nikon D600

Of course Nikon added GPS support, again it’s not integrated, but via an external Module, such as their GP-1 and of course our Unleashed. According to Nikon, the D600 fits in right below the D800 and is just as much a Pro DSLR as the latter. Rumor had it, that this was going to be the first consumer DSLR with an Fx sensor, and there was much evidence to back this. One example is that the D600 does not have the “pro” 10-pin port on the front of the camera, which would have fit our Unleashed D200+. Instead, it is equipped with the port found on all the consumer DSLRs, on the side of the camera, making our Unleashed Dx000 compatible with the D600.

Nikon D600 GPS Port

D600 Ports (photo by dpreview)

In a couple of days, we’ll be at photokina, and will try the D600 with our Unleashed, just to verify it works, and get you some pics of how it looks.

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Photokina 2012

Preparations for the worlds biggest photography trade fair are keeping us busy – just a little under 3 weeks left and a lot left to do!

Photokina starts on September 18th, and is open for 6 days – until the 23rd of September. Of course, we’ll be there in Cologne – our Booth is in Hall 5.1, Booth F006:


We’d love to see you there, show you our products, and answer any questions you might have.

We might just have something up our sleeve, that you wouldn’t want to miss. ;-)

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Nikon Interview – questions about GPS

I just read an interesting interview by imaging-resource with Nikon’s General Manager of Design: Toshiaki Akagi, amongst others. After talking about several aspects of the D4 and other general topics, they got to the topic of why there is no built-in GPS in the D4:

Dave Etchells, Publisher, Imaging Resource: We had a number of readers, also, asking about GPS, and why you can attach a GPS receiver, but people are saying why wasn’t GPS built into the camera?

Toshiaki Akagi: We always have a GP-1 GPS accessory, then we want to use a GP-1, and if we include a GPS function in the camera, the camera would be bigger. And GPS still has a little problem, so for example indoors, we cannot get GPS data, then we are considering now to adapt the GPS to the next model, in the future. While you are indoors, the performance is not stable, so that’s why we gave up to install the function in the body as of now.

There is more, so read the rest at (found via

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Nikon D4 GPS with Unleashed D200+

We were at PMA@CES, exhibiting our products. On a slow morning I wandered over to the CES, heading straight to the Nikon booth. After admiring the D4 for a while, I seized the opportunity, to gather proof for everyone, that our Unleashed D200+ is compatible with the D4. I took my favorite GPS, which managed to keep a fix even inside the Convention Center hall and plugged an Unleashed into the D4. It fits beautifully.

Nikon D4 with Unleashed (front view)

After 3 seconds, the Unleashed had connected to the GPS, and the GPS icon on the LCD lit up:

Nikon D4 with GPS icon (top view)

Took a photo, and what do you know: it’s geotagged with our location in Las Vegas!

Nikon D4 with GPS data (back)

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So there you go: Proof that our Unleashed D200+ is fully compatible with the new Nikon D4!

PS. I went to see Canon’s GP-E1, which they announced 3 months ago! They did not have one with them! Can you believe it? I certainly couldn’t! On top of that, no-one at the booth had any knowledge about it, other than having heard it exists.

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Vegas – here we come!


We are excited to be part of this year’s PMA@CES trade show in Las Vegas from January 10-13th. As part of the German Pavilion, we will exhibit our latest products. If you are planning on going, have a look at the floor plan from the official CES website which is much better than the one from PMA. You can find us in the Venetian, Hall D, Booth 72218. We hope to see some of you there! there

As a PMA@CES special we will prolong our current Xmas offer until the end of January. For every order of one of our Unleasheds (D200+, Dx000, D90) you get a Visiontac VGPS-500 receiver FOR FREE or you can donate to a charitable organisation! Get more information here or check it out in our online shop.

*Special note: This post was published mid-air, on our flight to Vegas. How cool is that? Thanks Ford, for sponsoring 30 free minutes of gogo internet for everyone!