How to search for a name in the Entagged Name List

You can search the list simply by dragging down on the list of names or projects. A search bar will then appear at the top where you can type in a name and check whether they were already photographed by the checkmark on the left hand side. You can already download the Entagged app, try […] Mehr lesen…

Do I need multiple Name List subscriptions for multiple Entaggeds?

Yes, you’ll need one Name List subscription per Entagged because the subscriptions are activated based on serial number. This system has some great benefits: you can simply plug the Entagged into any camera, open the app on any phone and start shooting, without needing to verify the subscription or logging in anywhere. So if you […] Mehr lesen…

How to activate the Entagged Name List once you’ve subscribed

1. Go to and log in. 2. Click on “My Subscription”. 3. Scroll down to the section “Activate serial numbers”. 4. Type in your Entagged’s serial number (a 6 digit number found on the bottom of the Entagged packaging or in the app under Menu → Entagged with gear icon → tap on your […] Mehr lesen…

Can I tether while using the Entagged?

Nikon cameras In many cases the Entagged eliminates the need for tethering if you still want to view your images on a larger screen, this is still possible with the Entagged plugged in! It plugs into the accessory port and its cable plugs into the USB port, so your HDMI will stay free for tethering […] Mehr lesen…

Picture Day Workflow with Entagged Name List

Picture Day Workflow with Entagged Name List Basic workflow 1. On picture day, tap on the project imported for this shoot. 2. Names are grouped by grade and teacher. 3. Just tap the name next up. 4. The code gets sent to camera. 5. Yellow shows it’s sent. Turquoise confirms it’s saved. 6. The name […] Mehr lesen…

How to import jobs from GotPhoto into Entagged Name List

Importing GotPhoto jobs Logging in 1. In the Name List screen, tap on the folder with a + icon on the top left. 2. Tap on “Add from account”. 3. Enter your GotPhoto username and password and log in. Syncing jobs 1. You’ll see all your planned jobs. 2. Tap on the one you want […] Mehr lesen…

How to import CSV files into Entagged Name List

Importing CSV files From your device 1. Tap on the Folder with a + icon. 2. Tap on Add from file … 3. Navigate to your folder. 4. Tap your CSV file to import. via AirDrop 1. Alternatively you can also AirDrop a file to your iPhone. 2. Tap open with Entagged. via Email 1. […] Mehr lesen…

Wie du uns am besten für Support kontaktierst

Wir sind ein kleines Team mit Fokus auf die Produktentwicklung. Wir versuchen Support-Anfragen natürlich so schnell wie möglich nachzukommen, wir bitten aber um Verständnis, wenn es manchmal ein paar Tage länger dauert bis wir antworten. Dennoch gibt es einige Dinge, die du tun kannst, damit wir deine Fragen so schnell wie möglich beantworten können. Hier […] Mehr lesen…

Warum entlädt sich mein Kamera-Akku im ausgeschalteten Zustand?

Wir haben einige Berichte über eine ungewöhnlich schnelle Entladung des Akkus, während die Kamera mit eingestecktem Unleashed gelagert wurde, bekommen. Es gibt einen bekannten Fehler, der dieses Problem verursachen kann: Oftmals setzen Leute einen frisch geladenen Akku ein, bevor sie die Kamera verstauen – genau dann tritt dieser Fehler auf. Um diesen Bug zu vermeiden, […] Mehr lesen…