Here are all the changes we’ve made in the latest Android app version:
- 2021-10-24 2.0.0
- [Added] Firmware 2.0.0 with huge list of changes
- [Added] New BLE Api 4.0 – much better for Android
- [Added] Partial FW updating
- [Added] Connecting to Unleashed in Bootloader (red LED)
- [Added] Android 12 support
- [Added] Advanced Unleashed Settings
- [Added] ND Filter Setting
- [Added] Displaying estimated timelapse progress when disconnected
- [Added] Displaying values with errors on Timelapse screens
- [Added] Displaying GPS errors set by firmware
- [Added] GPS Notification cancel option
- [Added] Warning if geotagging is on but has no permission
- [Added] Checking connectivity when geotagging is on
- [Improved] Connection speed and reliability
- [Improved] App internals making use of new API
- [Improved] App architecture and UI implementation
- [Improved] Notification explanations for Geotagging
- [Improved] Managing requirements for location and Bluetooth
- [Improved] Permission request flow as suggested by Google
- [Improved] FusedLocationProvider for better location data
- [Improved] Location data updates with app in background
- [Improved] Redesigned icons
- [Improved] Settings Values sorting
- [Improved] Autoramp day/night limits now set by FW
- [Improved] Error logging system
- [Fixed] Bluetooth connection issues
- [Fixed] Multiple Unleashed connection issues
- [Fixed] Very slow app startup time
- [Fixed] No GPS data was sent when phone was fallback GPS source
- [Fixed] Turning off location service when Unleashed disconnects
- [Fixed] Tap to trigger causing multiple shots
- [Fixed] Trigger Button stayed pressed even the app goes background
- [Fixed] Unexpected trigger actions for timelapse and long exposures
- [Fixed] Numerous smaller issues
- 1.3.10 2020-06-05 17:02
- [Fixed] Re-Release of Firmware versions A 1.4.5 B 1.4.9 C 1.4.0 with fix for version reporting
- [Fixed] Control centre UI
- [Fixed] Interval and Autoramp trigger bug
- [Fixed] Autoramp ISO limits bug
- 1.3.9 2020-05-13 15:50
- [Fixed] Crash in Multiple Unleasheds view
- [Fixed] Shutterspeed UI
- 1.3.8 2020-05-11 16:43
- [Updated] Firmware versions A 1.4.5 B 1.4.9 C 1.4.0 with fixes for Canon 760D and Nikon D780, D3100 and D3200
- [Fixed] Log sharing
- [Fixed] Lag when changing screens
- [Fixed] Occasional lag when using multiple Unleasheds
- 1.3.7 2020-03-26 20:13
- [Updated] Firmware versions A 1.4.3 B 1.4.9 C 1.4.0 with many improvements
- [Improved] Bluetooth connection speed and reliability
- [Improved] Performance and user interface
- [Improved] Handling of disabled Unleasheds
- [Fixed] Bluetooth Issues with Android 10
- [Fixed] Sending GPS data
- [Fixed] Adding Unleashed animation
- [Added] Sharing the current logfile
- [Added] Initializing Unleashed state (yellow dot)
- 1.3.6 2019-10-24 15:39
- [Added] Firmware versions A 1.4.1 B 1.4.5 C 1.4.0 with fixes for Holux M-241+, new QStarz and Transystem GPS support
- [Improved] Device connection speed and reliability
- 1.3.4 2019-09-19 10:58
- [Added] Firmware versions A 1.4.1 B 1.4.3 C 1.4.0 with fixes for long exposure, Holux M-241+ and firmware update
- [Fixed] GPS permissions
- 1.3.3 2019-08-02 15:08
- [Improved] Firmware update UI
- [Fixed] Thumbnail bug on Canon cameras
- 1.3.2 2019-08-01 15:38
- [Fixed] Thumbnail view bug
- 1.3.1 2010-07-30 16:26
- [Improved] Searching for and pairing new Unleasheds
- [Improved] Connection times
- [Improved] Error reporting in Intervalometer screens
- [Improved] Trigger button animation
- [Fixed] Enabled/Disabled state wasn’t always persisted
- [Fixed]] Crashes with Virtual Unleashed
- 1.3.0 2019-06-25 12:13
- [Added] New Long exposure feature, for timed exposures over 30s
- [Added] Firmware versions A 1.4.0 B 1.4.2 C 1.3.0 with long exposure support, faster wake-up speed and more
- [Added] Trigger button animation indicating exposure duration
- [Added] Showing shutter state in trigger, eg MUP, NR and BUSY
- [Added] Error when autoramp Tv night limit > interval
- [Improved] Speed showing all values after waking up Unleashed
- [Improved] Thumbnails carousel
- [Fixed] Crashes on some HTC devices
- 1.2.3 2019-05-20 16:27
- [Fixed] Minor stability issues
- [Updated] Firmware version to A 1.3.2 B 1.3.1 C 1.3.0
- 1.2.1 2019-05-07 11:15
- [Updated] Firmware version to A v1.3.2 to fix triggering bug on Canon cameras
- 1.2.0 2019-05-06 16:55
- [Added] Info badge with explanations for thumbnails not available
- [Added] Accessories support
- [Updated] Firmware versions to A 1.3.1 B 1.3.1 C 1.2.5
- [Updated] Icons
- [Fixed] Pickers and general UI when screen zoom is applied
- [Fixed] Minor stability issues
- 1.0.3 2019-02-18 14:27
- [Fixed] Firmware version is now saved for disconnected Unleasheds
- [Fixed] Bonded Unleasheds now update correctly after the firmware update
- [Fixed] Minor stability issues
- 1.0.2 2019-02-11 17:38
- [Updated] Firmware versions to A 1.2.1, B 1.2.0, C 1.2.1
- [Updated] Increased icons size in pickers
- [Fixed] Rare notification crash
- 1.0.1 2019-02-08 18:20
- [Fixed] Updating older firmware versions
- 1.0.0 2019-02-08 14:27
- [Added] Firmware update capability
- [Added] Firmware update A 1.2.0 B 1.2.0 C 1.2.1 with lots of fixes
- [Added] Warnings shown for GPS issues
- [Improved] Clearer warning and error messages
- [Improved] App stability
- [Improved] Automatic Bluetooth reconnection & Stability
- [Updated] UI in Autoramp/Timelapse screens
- [Fixed] Multi-camera GPS intervals & location requests
- [Fixed] Thumbnail settings and display
- [Fixed] Bluetooth/Location permission handling
- 0.9.7 2019-01-04 19:17
- [Renamed] Min and Max to Day and Night respectively in Autoramp screen
- [Fixed] Crash when changing Duration or Interval to single digit numbers on Timelapse and Autoramp screens
- [Fixed] Crash on Timelapse and Autoramp screens when Duration or Interval was selected
- [Fixed] App resume from background animations
- [Fixed] Other small stability fixes
- 0.9.6 2018-12-21 17:33
- [Fixed] Cleaned up internal architecture
- [Fixed] GPS notification
- [Fixed] Crashes in certain edge cases
- [Fixed] Connection issues
- [Fixed] Disconnecting sometimes didn’t disconnect
- [Fixed] Some UI bugs
- [Fixed] App forgetting serial number
- [Fixed] Lots of other small bugs
- [Updated] Icons for Image quality and size
- 0.9.5 2018-11-10 12:35
- [Fixed] App crashes when switching to video mode introduced in last update
- 2018-11-09 15:37
- [Fixed] Background GPS and background Unleashed Bluetooth connection
- [Fixed] Service discovery issue
- [Fixed] Forgetting Unleashed
- [Fixed] App crashes with Virtual Unleashed
- [Fixed] Various other app crashes
- 0.9.4 2018-11-09 12:26
- [Fixed] Background GPS and background Unleashed Bluetooth connection
- [Fixed] Service discovery issue
- [Fixed] Forgetting Unleashed
- [Fixed] App crashes with Virtual Unleashed
- [Fixed] Various other app crashes
- 0.9.3 2018-10-26 21:29
- [Fixed] GPS/geotagging on Android Oreo
- [Fixed] And optimized GPS/geotagging when app is in background
- [Fixed] Crashes caused by a disconnected Unleashed
- 0.9.2 2018-10-22 17:42
- [Fixed] The crash when trying to get Unleashed name from a disconnected Unleashed
- [Fixed] Crashes when trying to communicate with a disconnected Unleashed in Autoramp and Photo/Video
- [Fixed] Crash while getting GPS location while app is in background