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The new Unleashed: Pre-order now on Indiegogo

Pre-Order the new Unleashed on Indiegogo

After the new Unleashed was successfully funded on Kickstarter with more than 300% of its funding goal, we are constantly asked whether there is any chance to still pre-order the Unleashed. After thinking about it we now decided to give people the option to pre-order the new Unleashed for a special price and to be part of one of the early production rounds in order to be one of the first to receive it.

Starting today, you can pre-order the new Unleashed through the InDemand program on Indiegogo. Check the compatibility list at the bottom of our Indiegogo page, choose a perk (that’s how Indiegogo calls the rewards or product bundles) and select your shipping country. As with our Kickstarter backers, we’ll send out a survey of which camera model you want the new Unleashed for some time in spring, and you can make the final choice shortly before shipping.


Receiving all these mails and requests, we hope and believe this option will make many people happy who just missed the Kickstarter campaign, want their photographer friends to have the Unleashed as well or just want to support us. So have a look at out Indiegogo page and send the link to all your friends who are jealous that you got your Unleashed on Kickstarter and forgot to tell them about it. ;-)

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We made it! Funded on Kickstarter after just 5 days! But what looks like the end, is just the beginning!

Rocket Launch on Kickstarter with the Unleashed

We are literally speechless. After just five days we reached our funding goal on the crowdfunding platform Kickstarter. This means our next product, the new Unleashed, will definitely go into mass production. A wireless smartphone remote control for DSLRs unlike any other on the market!

After months of hard work we’re so happy and grateful to see that people trust in our products, in us and our vision. We know that our workload won’t subside, but we’re pumped we’ll be able to deliver a remarkable product and make the lives of many photographers around the world easier.

This is why reaching the funding goal isn’t it. We have big plans and are convinced that these first 5 days are just the beginning of a much bigger story. We want to get as many backers as possible to say: “I want to be part of it!” and pledge their support on Kickstarter.

So as a customer, friend or just visitor, we ask you to continue to share the Kickstarter campaign with all your friends and colleagues! Soon we’ll announce our stretch goals: the higher the total sum pledged, the more features we’ll add to the Unleashed.

Stay tuned, subscribe to our newsletter and back us on Kickstarter.

Check out our Kickstarter campaign

Greetings from Berlin

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Big plans and many changes. It was about time.

Quite a while ago, Oliver founded foolography. Since then a lot of things have changed, developed and gone from ideas to tangible products.

In the last years we moved forward and shaped a vision that guides the team in making smart camera accessories, unlike others on the market. We have big plans for the future and to realize those, we’ve taken many steps and there are still several more ahead.

One big step was: moving to Berlin. Even though Wiesbaden is one of the most beautiful cities we know, we believe, surrounding ourselves with an atmosphere of innovation, ‘Think different’ attitude and knowledge-sharing in the tech capital Berlin is what will help us to thrive and build the best products we can. And so far, it did. Plus, Berlin is also one of the greatest cities to live in, and we’ve already grown to love it.

Another big step which was long overdue: give foolography a new look that matches the vision, the team and the products we want to make. And boy, what a step it was! But so worth it!

Today, we introduce to you our new CI.

Logo Transformation

Five thoughts shaped and influenced the entire redesign process:

  1. We love photography. We are our own first customers, so the new design needs to be attractive to us personally.
  2. We build smart niche products for cameras. We want a design that portrays the world of photography, yet is unique to attract the attention of people who want to get the most out of their cameras. Oh come on – not another aperture in the o ;-)
  3. We are a small team of professionals driven by smart technology. The CI should reflect that. Though our name might be a little foolish ;-) , our logo and word mark are simple, straight forward and bold: including everything necessary while keeping it simple with a strong focus on functionality. Just like our products.
  4. We love technical details. So you’ll find a little technical drawing every now and then.
  5. What can we say? Black is the new black. Even though we look into a bright future, our design is dark, representing style, quality and professionalism.


We’re very happy with the final design and are grateful for amazing teamwork with Christin from Studio Varo.

The next big step is something you’ll hear about soon. Sooner than you think. We’ll keep you posted and thank you so much for being on this journey with us together.

Take a look at the new website.